Composite Images
One of the best things about digital photography is the flexibility it allows. We take care in all three stages of the process, so that the photography, posing, and cutting-out are all done with the final product in mind. In the hands of our skilled, professional, digital artists, your composite images will be indistinguishable from group photographs.
Team Composites
New composite groups can be produced from the individual photographs in any number of combinations, and when new employees are added, they can be added to group composites, giving your marketing department the ability to produce specific images for any campaign.
Transparent Profiles
Seamless transition to your chosen backdrop or color spaces across multiple platforms, including true white space on website and documents.
Profile Composites
These profile photos offer the most affordable and flexible scheduling. A thirty minute session in studio and your associates look at ease in your office space.
Custom Backgrounds of your Office Space
Have the best for both worlds with office backdrops converted to a composite profile. A visit to your office to update individuals and we’ll take the static backdrop while there. New associates can then visit the studio for cost savings and blend in with previous office photos.
Is your office not quite photo worthy or you work from home?
No problem, we are here to help choose a stock image that will work great too!